my tech stack.

  • TypeScript - Superset of Javascript that adds static typing for more structured development. I pair it with Zod for schema validation and React for UI components. Coming up on ~ 2 years experience used everyday.
  • Javascript - Node, NPM, React, Nextjs, etc. ~ 2.5 years experience used everyday.
  • ReactJS - JavaScript library for building reusable UI components that are declarative and efficient. ~ 2.5 years experience used everyday.
  • NextJS - React-based full-stack framework. Star of the show tbh. ~ 2.5 years experience used everyday.
  • TailwindCSS/Nativewind - Utility-first CSS framework that allows for rapid UI development. ~ 1.5 years experience used everyday.
  • React Native/Expo - Mobile application framework that allows for building native apps with React codebase. ~ 1 year experience used everyday.
  • Python - High-level programming language with a focus on readability and clean code. ~ 2 years experience although haven't used it in a while.
  • MongoDB - NoSQL database system that provides high availability, scalability, and flexibility. Used everyday.
  • AWS - S3, EC2 Instances, mostly for cloud storage. Used almost everyday.
  • Docker - Used almost everyday. I use though.
  • GCP - Google Cloud Platform for cloud storage, cloud run, serverless functions, GKE, and Google CLI. Used almost everyday, but recently I've been using it for deploying my apps with
  • - Cheap, Easy, I can manage from the terminal. I love it. I love vercel too but vercel is NOT cheap.
  • Zed/VSC - I use Zed or VSC for my daily editor // depending on how I'm feeling that day. im pretty comfortable/decent using the terminal.